Opisywanie trendów i wykresów

Jeśli musicie w pracy analizować wykresy, trendy i tabelki, lub chcecie zdawać BEC lub IELTS ten wpis jest dla was.

Poniżej kilka podstawowych słówek pomagających opisywać wykresy



A teraz te słowa na przykładzie:

As part of an overall boom, spending on advertising rocketed in the late1990s and, in 2000, it soared by more than 8% in America, which represents about half the world market. But then the following year it plunged by 8%.Now the industry is feeling positive again and advertising is expected to escalate by nearly 5% this year. But how is the money being spent? Thanks to the Internet, there was a jump in website advertising of nearly 40%. But is traditional TV advertising shrinking? America’s big TV networks used to reach 90% of households but then this figure plummeted to as low as 33%. Consequently, TV advertising by some multinationals also slumped.

Potrafilibyście słowa z teksty umieścić w tabelce?

increase a lot decrease a lot increase quite a lot decrease quite a lot

A teraz jeszcze kilka przykładów:

• Sales rose slightly in the final quarter.
• Profits fell a little last year.
• Demand increased gently
• Turnover decreased steadily
• Turnover dropped suddenly
• Turnover decreased quickly.
• Demand increased rapidly.
• At the beginning of this year sales stagnated.
In the middle of August profits slumped.
• At the end of last year demand peaked.
• In the first quarter of 2008 sales plummeted.
• In the second quarter of 2007 sales flattened out. (wyrównać się)
• In the third quarter of 2007 sales leveled off.
• In the last quarter of 2007 sales remained steady.


Do opisywania gwałtowności, szybkości zmiany użyjemy następujących przymiotników i przysłówków

przymiotnik przysłówek

Spróbujcie dobrać poprawnie przymiotnik lub przysłówek w ćwiczeniu

Sales began the year at 30,000 units in January and increased slight / slightly to 32,000 units in February. There was a sharp / sharply rise to 38,000 in March due to the inroduction of a new price discounting scheme. This was followed by a slight / slightly fall in April when sales dropped to 36,000 units. Our competitors launched a rival product in the spring and this resulted in a dramatic / dramatically fall to 25,000 in May. But we ran a summer advertising campaign and sales increased steady / steadily by 2,000 units a month throughout June, July and August until they stood at 33,000 in September. The dramatic / dramatically rise to 45,000 in October resulted from the launch of our new autumn range. But then we experienced problems meeting demand and sales fell sharp / sharply in November and remained steady / steadily at  39,000 in December.

Opisywanie w trendach że coś jest w przybliżeniu jakiejś wartości

just underIMG_2912
just over
well under
well over

a teraz kilka przykładów z książek do BEC i IELTS:

IMG_2910 IMG_2911test 2 higher odpowiedzJeśli chcecie więcej opisów trendów, polecam zajrzeć tu:
