Colours in business – o kolorze bez koloru
Po długiej przerwie ostatni zbiór kolorowych idiomów, tym razem bez żadnego konkretnego koloru, ale zawierające odmianę tego słowa tj 'colour’
A HIGHLY COLOURED – przekoloryzowany
– “The highly coloured burglary report had to be rewritten when they found out that the police officer who wrote it was a relative of the family.”
TO GIVE/ LEND COLOUR – uwiarygadniać coś
„- This helped to explain what would otherwise have been inexplicable, and hence lent colour to her evidence about the state of her belief.”
– “The broken window and missing items lent colour to her story that someone had robbed her house.”
TO BE COLOURLESS – mdły, nijaki o osobowości
– “It’s really hard to make conversation with her. She’s just really dull and colourless.”
OFF COLOUR – kiepsko się czuć
– “He’s been really off colour for the past few days, I think I might have to take him to the doctor.”
SAIL UNDER FALSE COLOURS – udawać coś lub kogoś
– „So he’s sailing under false colours – he’s a theologian, not a sociologist.”
– “Our team leader seems to be sailing under false colours, I don’t think he really understands what he’s supposed to be doing!”
TO SHOW ONE’S TRUE COLOURS – pokazać kim się naprawdę jest
– “When he got so angry at her in front of everybody, he showed his true colours.”
– „She was only too anxious to get out of the room now that her employer had shown his true colours.”
SEE THE COLOUR OF SOMEONE’S MONEY – sprawdzać czy ktoś ma wystarczająco dużo pieniędzy (by zapłacić)
– “The antiques dealer wouldn’t let me touch the items I’d agreed to purchase, until he saw the colour of my money.”
WITH FLYING COLOURS – celująco, w pięknym stylu
–He passed the entrance exam with flying colours.
UNDER COLOUR OF – pod pretekstem czegoś
-„Federal law makes it a crime for a person acting under colour of law to willfully violate the constitutional rights of any person.”
-„a mean trick under the colour of a good deed.”
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